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Calendar / Latest News:
Oct 26 County Council Forum
Nov 18 Soirée with the Luzerne Cty Histor Soc
Feb 24 Legislative Brunch
Feb 24 2024 Government Directory available
Mar 19 Voter Reg’n: LCCC
Mar 21 Voter Reg’n: Wilkes
Mar 23 Vtr Reg’n: United Blend
Mar 25 Voter Reg’n: LCCC
Mar 26 Voter Reg’n: Wilkes
Apr 4 Voters’ Guide Available
Apr 16 Forum: 120th PA Distr
Apr 23 Primary Elections
Jun 1 Vtr Reg’n: Public Sqr, WB
Jun 6 Annual Dinner Mtg
Jul 23 Democracy-101 FAQ
Sep 10 Voter Reg’n: LCCC
Sep 12 Voter Reg’n: Exeter
Sep 13 Voter Reg'n: St John Apts
Sep 16 Voter Reg’n: LCCC
Sep 17 Voter Reg’n: Wilkes
Sep 26 Voter Reg’n: Misericordia
Oct 1 Voter Reg’n: LCCC
Oct 17 Forum: 120th PA Distr
Oct 20 Voters’ Guide available
(in Times Leader)
Oct 23 Forum: 119th PA Distr
Nov 5 General Elections
Dec 6 Holiday Dinner
May 20 Primary Elections
Nov 4 General Elections


 News Flash!

New content on the “Democracy-101” page.

About the League Of Women Voters
of the Wilkes-Barre Area

Our Mission

The League of Women Voters of the Wilkes-Barre Area is a nonpartisan organization that presents citizens of the Wilkes-Barre area with information so that they can make informed decisions when they vote on election day.

The League of Women Voters was founded in 1920 as an outgrowth of the suffragist movement.  When women were finally granted the right to vote, the suffragettes evolved into the League of Women Voters to provide education on voting and the political process.  The newly enfranchised women were not just voting for the sake of voting, but instead were responsible and active participants in the process because of the education received from the founding League members.  This legacy continues today as your local League educates the community on voting and the democratic process.  We do this through sponsored debates, the Voters’ Guide, and the Government Directory.

The purpose, then and now, is to present information to citizens so they can make informed decisions when they go to the polls.  The state and national Leagues work for congressional reform.  For example, the League won passage of the National Voter Registration Act ( the “motor voter law” ) in 1993.  After the irregularities of the 2000 elections, the state and national Leagues lobbied for and raised awareness of the need for new voting machines, resulting in the 2002 Help America Vote Act (HAVA).  We are currently raising awareness of voter suppression and lobbying for fair redistricting. (See the National-LWV website for other issues we are addressing.)


Our nonpartisan status stems from the experience of the women’s suffrage movement — clearly, women needed support of men in both parties to win the right to vote.  After gaining this right, leaders in the suffrage movement considered two options: founding a separate political party for women, or forming a group that could work toward certain political goals and legislation, as well as educating all citizens on voting while working within existing political organizations.  The League’s founders decided on the latter option, although it was not until the mid-1930s that nonpartisanship was institutionalized in the LWV.

Nonpartisan status allows us to work effectively in voter education. The community knows that candidate forums and the Voters’ Guide will present information without bias.  We educate high school students about the voting process, and help with voting machine instruction and registration.  We are respected in our community because our citizens know that we will be fair in our presentations.

We never support political candidates or parties, nor do things that would appear to support one over another.  Our local W-B League focuses on education, while our state and national affiliates take positions on political issues and work hard to preserve our rights and better our society.

While the League is nonpartisan as an organization, its members are encouraged to be active in politics and their political party as long as they act for themselves, and never in the name of the League.  Members of the League with political affiliations should not be involved in activities such as registering voters, observing public meetings for the League, or participating in candidate meetings sponsored by the League.  Board members are not permitted to run for or hold political office, or to campaign publicly for political candidates.

Objectives Relating to Leadership

The League seeks to provide an environment for members to become politically knowledgeable through education and discussion, political forums and a Voters’ Guide before elections, and education on issues.  Together, these lead to an informed electorate and a healthy democratic system. We also prepare an annual Government Directory that provides contact info for elected officials.  Upon request, Board members are available to speak on the importance of voting.